Zoom- I finally figured you out! :D
Week Three of school and I finally figured out a good, workable flow to zoom! I have been getting so many questions on how to structure live video classes. Below is my zoom schedule for my 85 minute classes.
Attendance, Wellness Check and Goal Setting (5 minutes)
During the initial first five minutes of zoom, I login to zoom. I have them wait in the waiting room, until they are done with their attendance poll, wellness check and goal setting discussion board. I give the students five minutes to do all of these things. In the meantime, I am seeing who showed up live to my zoom class and doing the attendance through the zoom waiting room. Below is a picture of what my wellness check and goal setting looks like for my class.
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For more ideas on how I do attendance, check this out:
Community Building
Next, I move into a quick community building time. During this time, I play games with the students and do get to know you activities. This is also a time that I do circle questions. For some zoom games, go here: https://teachthrivetriumph.blogspot.com/2020/05/amping-up-your-zoom-sessions_2.html
Whole Group Lesson
Now it is time to start the lesson. During the lesson, I found that it works best to use kami for students to do work along with you. I also found that when doing a live zoom, that it is best to play the videos live through the teacher computer. To do this, click share screen. Then, check the box to use your computer sound. Then, click the screen you want to share.
Independent Practice
For this segment of the lesson, I send students to an individual break out room. To set up a break out room, you need to find the breakout room button on the bottom of the task bar. Then create the same number of rooms as students. Students will work in their own rooms, but if they need help they can click the "help" button and you can quickly come to help them. I also use this time to check-in with my students who said that they were not doing well on their wellness check at the beginning of the lesson.
Exit Slip
Before the end of the lesson, students complete a poll question to show what they know.
At the end of the lesson, I let students unmute themselves and say good-bye to their classmates.
Having this routine and structure to my online lessons really helped me to stay on track and get my students in a rhythm. I also feel that it helps online learning feel more like "school."
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