Bringing Little Sprinkles of Joy into the Classroom Through Chrome Extensions
Kids can’t learn from people they don’t like. PERIOD. A little laughter in the classroom can change the entire classroom culture and environment. The few seconds it takes to incorporate a little joy, can be the engagement difference for students. These are a few chrome extensions that I found that can add that little sprinkle of joy into the classroom and they don’t take that much extra time. If you are new to chrome extensions or need help learning how to download a chrome extension, go to: Emoji Keyboard for Chrome 😍 This extension is a ton of fun! It is really a couple extension in one. You can add emoji's to LMS pages or documents, you can create audio clippings, change your cursor, or have access to copy and pasting of new fonts. Watch the video below for more details... Bitmoji Bitmoji allows you to create a ...